End of Course Tasks:

The following tasks need to be completed at the end of course

Course Project Instructions

As part of the LMH Summer School: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Practice, the students will complete a mini-project related to Machine Learning applications. The project should be completed during 11 am-1 pm on the last two days of the course, plus 2 hours of howework (total 6 hours). Students can choose an application related to:

  • Linear and Logistic Regression
  • Simple Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Network

The mini-project requirements are as follows:

  • Project can be done in gorup of upto 3 students.
  • A 2 page project report should be submitted at the end of the course
  • The codes for the project should be provided in a jupyter notebook with the codes for all the plots
  • A 5 min recorded presentation for the project
You can register your group and project on this googlesheet: Course Projects